What do I feed my 9 month old?

Meet Baby Emma!

Emma is Alejandra’s 9 month old daughter. How sweet is that face?! We can’t get enough of those healthy baby legs either!

Alejandra is sharing Emma’s daily menu this week. We hope this is helpful and provides a little inspiration for those of you with littles. Thanks to Alejandra for this glimpse into Emma’s day!


Emma’s menu

7:30 - Snack

7 oz bottle

9:30 -Breakfast

Oatmeal/ fruit/ egg boil

Always a cup of water w/ every meal

11:00 snack/ nap

7 oz bottle

12:30/ 1:00 - Lunch

Quinua, lentils soup & chicken

+ water

2:30- Snack

Rice crackers & yogurt

3:30 nap

4 oz bottle

5:30/ 6:00 dinner

Salmon & pesto pasta

7:30 / 8:00 bedtime routine

Bath/ book time & 7 oz bottle

It is important that they have protein and a vegetable at each meal. Offer food in bite size pieces so they are able to
grab the food and develop their creativity and
motor skills at the same time.


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